
Qingdao Wenhe Trust & Deal Equipment Co., Ltd

Qingdao Wenhe Trust & Deal Equipment Co., Ltd

Qingdao Trust & Deal Farmneeds Equipment Co., Ltd is a company professionalized in poultry and livestock breeding equipment and related accessories supplies for more than 8 years. Our main products are high quality plastic slats flooring, air inlets, plastic transport cages, pig feeders, evaporative cooling pads papers, ventilation fans, fan shutters, light traps for breeder houses , etc.

From the year of 2012, we have distributed our products to South America, Southeast Asia , India, Europe, Russia, Middle East etc.

We supply to our clients not only high quality products, but also fast response after sale services. Mutual Trust is the base of Any Good Business Deal !  Our goal is to help our clients to minimize purchase cost, maximize profit and promote purchase experiences.

If you have more questions regarding to our products or our company, please contact us by email or by whatspp or other communication tools, we will be more than glad to hear from you ….

  • 2012Founded in
  • 86+Many kinds
  • 42+Exporting country
  • 22,300,000+Annual output value
Factory Display
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